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Mystery Ranch

Mystery Ranch - Men's Expedition Yoke

Mystery Ranch - Men's Expedition Yoke

Regular price $47.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $47.99 CAD
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For the perfect fit, Mystery Ranch is now offering its Expedition Yoke sold separately from their packs. Most Mystery ranch Packs will be adjustable for both waist size and torso length. The Yoke piece is how you adjust the torso length. The Mystery Ranch Yoke in conjunction with the waist belt is how you customize the fit of a Mystery ranch backpack. The pack and frame stay the same size but by swapping out and adjusting the waist belt and yoke to your body you can get a custom fit. Make sure to reference the Mystery Ranch sizing chart for both torso length and waist size. You may need to buy both a yoke and waist belt to get the fit perfect.

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